I can hardly believe it has now been a decade since the dawning of my EMF awareness! It seemed like a great time to put something together in video format to capture the past, present, and future. There is immense power in sharing our stories, and I clearly remember how intense it was ten years ago trying to cut through the noise on EMF and get down to the meaningful details. I gratefully remember those that were lights in the darkness along the way, and am hopeful that my story could be of help to those starting their EMF journeys.
“Back then, I never saw EMF as something that would change my life so drastically, certainly not closing down and opening up career paths. It was centered on promoting health for my family. But then it hit me in a deeply personal way on multiple occasions and the only path forward that I could see was to help others avoid the misery I had faced. Losing your mother and a beloved career in a few short years will do that to you. Now that I’m working as an EMF consultant it has restored a great deal of satisfaction and purpose into my life, which is something I really missed after leaving my career as a firefighter.
“Looking ahead, I am deeply concerned about the EMF exposures faced by my kids and their generation. Society seems to have an insatiable appetite for technology and convenience, and industry is all too happy to turn the screws further and offer up a never-ending supply of ‘safe’ new gadgets to irradiate the globe. One of the topics that has been on my mind for some time now is wireless in schools. It’s so frustrating to take great steps inside my home to promote health and lower EMF exposure for my family, only to have them walk out the door every day and enter into a super-sized microwave oven at school.
“I know I’m not the only parent with this concern, so let me encourage all of you, regardless of background or training, to take up this issue as you see fit. We can’t stand for these violations of our health and wellness any longer!
I’m extremely grateful for the help of filmmaker Brian Cory Dobbs and the Environmental Health Trust for their expertise in capturing, refining, and publishing my story. Please see their work at Briandobbs.com and EHTrust.org.