Use these tips to find someone who is knowledgeable, personable, and will accurately identify the EMF issues in your home (and fix them)

EMF Home Inspections Near Me
It might be tempting to type EMF home inspection near me into a search engine and go with the first listing, but that won't necessarily get you the best EMF tester in your area.
Search engines can do a decent job of bringing up relevant answers to your questions, but they can also be duped by EMF companies that have really good websites but not necessarily the best technical qualifications.
I've been doing EMF home inspections for clients since 2017 and quite a few times I'm not the first EMF tester they had out. They had to call me after some major dissatisfaction with the first inspector- generally due to an undecipherable report, poor explanation/support around the remediation process, or after realizing that the inspector didn't have appropriate credentials. Just like a plumber, contractor, or electrician, EMF consultants come in all shapes and sizes; some good, some bad.
Hopefully, the tips I lay out in this article can help you select the best option in your area for this important service the first time around.
After all, we're talking about the health of the people and animals that spend time in your home. It's worth investing some time to research the most qualified EMF testing company in your area, just like you would with a doctor or contractor.
I would recommend you start on the Building Biology website's "Find an Expert" page to select 3 candidates that you can then ask or email the following questions. I'll list the top questions in bold, and then the full list at the bottom so that you can easily copy/paste into an email.
BONUS- After each question, I'll add some perspective on what I consider to be a good answer.
Top Questions to Help you Pick the Best EMF Inspector
Question #1 - What credentials do they have?
The Building Biology Institute is the largest domestic accrediting body. Those that have trained there to do EMF testing will have the title of 'EMRS' or Electromagnetic Radiation Specialist.
Those that also have an electrical background such as electrical engineering or residential/commercial electrician, make for an excellent candidate. That's because the home electrical system is strongly tied to the production of EMF electro-smog. Many times, part of the home remediation plan will involve the work of a licensed electrician.
Please understand, a traditional home inspector not trained by the Building Biology Institute would not be a good option. EMF inspecting is completely different and much more specialized than traditional home inspecting.
Question #2 - Why did they get into this work?
I would argue that those who have been personally impacted by EMF are better able to serve clients interested in reducing their home EMF Exposure. This is because when you feel the bite of EMF pollution first-hand, it leaves a mark and gives you insight into others that are experiencing electro-hypersensitivity or hoping to avoid the health problems that it brings.
In my case, EMF exposure impacted my life in a deeply personal way, driving me to undertake this work and help others avoid the hardship I had experienced.
"In my case, EMF exposure impacted my life in a deeply personal way, driving me to undertake this work and help others avoid the hardship I had experienced."
Question #3 - What types of EMFs will they identify in your home?
There are many forms of EMFs in your home, and to improve the health of occupants, all must be addressed. The main types are:
Radiofrequency (Microwaves) - wireless devices like cellular, WiFi, BlueTooth
AC Electric - Created from the presence of electricity
AC Magnetic - Created from the flow of electricity
Light - Modern light bulbs like LED, fluorescent and even tech screens
Dirty Electricity - Noise transients from modern electronics. *Only accurately measured via an oscilloscope.

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Question #4: What meters do they use?
The Building Biology Institute recommended meters are from Gigahertz Solutions which look like this:

These meters alone cost about $5,000 and are the industry standard. Using anything less, like a Trifield, Cornet, or other consumer meter off of Amazon is a serious red flag.
Beyond the big 3 pictured above, you'll want to see a decent oscilloscope like a PicoScope 2204 or OWON desktop, plus a Spectrum analyzer like the RF Explorer or TinySA. In addition, a Fluke 289 and various AC clamp meters are the only specific way for someone to test your electrical panel and system.
Question #5 - What is their opinion of pendants, crystals, and harmonizers?
Products claiming to eliminate EMF or harmonize it so that it won't effect your body are everywhere on the internet today. I'm simply not convinced of their effectiveness and I've never seen one change a readout on my meters.
In my opinion, if someone claiming to be a qualified EMF inspector tells you these products are all that you need to fix your EMF problem, or a large part of their remediation plan contains these products, DON'T hire them. You want someone who can actually reduce your EMF exposure and show you the results with a professional grade meter.
Here is a 3-part podcast series that explains many of the problems with these EMF protection products.
Question #6 - Can they provide you with any references?
Looking at a candidate's reviews on Google, Facebook, or Yelp is a good way to see what their customers think. However, I'd recommend you take it one step further and ask to speak with one of their customers directly.

That way you can get a much deeper feel for the work performed, how good the quality of the written report and remediation plan was, and what the ongoing support was like.
Asking for a sample report is a great idea too, so that you can see what info they provide, if it is presented in an understandable way, and if they make remediation recommendations.
A word about pricing for a home EMF test...
Costs can vary widely for home EMF testing and it is important to know what is included. Is the price being advertised for a cursory examination only, with many add-ons being added or recommended during the inspection? This will drive the price up! Here are the core components you should have for an effective home inspection and remediation:
Intro consult to discuss your specific needs and situation
Home inspection- generally 4-6 hours for a 2500 square foot home is required
All Major EMF types listed above should be included
Written report- detailing findings for major areas of the home, industry safety guidelines, and remediation plan
Ongoing support such as a follow-up phone call after the report has been sent, and ability to ask questions of inspector as remediation process is worked through
Make sure you get quotes that compare apples to apples.
Start your EMF home inspection process today!
I hope this article helps you select the best candidate in your area.
If you call Oregon or Washington state home, please put me on your list of potential candidates; I know that I meet and exceed the requirements laid out in this article 😉. Plus, I have many 5 star reviews on Google, Facebook and Yelp. Providing high levels of customer service and delivering results are core values of my work.
Since 2017, I've worked with hundreds of clients in their homes to identify and remediate EMF pollution. In that time, I've learned a lot about delivering an effective service that delivers a lot of value for the money.
The many 5-star reviews from my clients let me know they are happy with my home inspection service, written report, and ongoing support.
Click below to setup your intro call with me.
Full list of questions to ask before hiring an EMF test of your home:
What credentials do you hold?
At what school/institute were you trained?
How long have you been practicing?
Is this your full time work?
Why did you get into this field?
What types of EMFs will you identify in my space?
What meters will you use to do this?
How do you assess dirty electricity?
In what situations might you recommend shielding?
What is your greatest accomplishment in this field?
Can you provide me with any client references that I could contact?
Can you provide me with any sample reports & remediation plans?
How much do you charge and what does that include?
What is their opinion of pendants, crystals, and harmonizers?
